To some parents, their boys’ participation in bottle rocket wars, trespassing and four wheelin’ on property off Fairforest Way, or attempt to buy malt liquor from a lady that I am pretty sure was legally blind but would accept a "University of Georgia Student ID" printed on red construction paper, would be alarming to say the least. To Ann Sherard, these were rites of passage for boys growing up in the South. Ok, maybe not trying to buy malt liquor from a blind lady, but the other ones for sure, along with a host of others. Over the years, Ann fielded many calls from concerned parents that started something like, “Ann, are you aware that Reid and his friends….(insert any of the above).” These concerns were always met with a swift rebuttal from Ann. “Not my boys!,” she would passionately reply as she stared out the window at a mud soaked Bronco. Ann, your boys are up to something again. Although I think this new venture would be easier to defend. Reid and I share a love for the people and places of South Carolina and a love for using the written word to creatively share things we experience in life. What makes a lawyer and dentist qualified to start this new adventure, you ask? Well, we are both certified. Reid has been certified by the SC BBQ Association as a judge, and I have been certified by my wife as a smart ass. So here we go… Ann Sherard did not cook much, but she did serve doses of life with a side order of crazy. We hope to do the same with this blog. We are not sure where this adventure is going to take us, or how often, but we do know if we gave up on the idea we would once again hear the words…“Not my boys.” (And just for good measure we will probably hear a fair bit "don't believe I would have told that" too, another Ann favorite)
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November 2022